Inquiries about Asphodel Press
of Wakefield, Rhode Island is the website of Asphodel Press in Hubbardston, Massachussets, a subsidiary of the First Kingdom Church of Asphodel. We are not the Asphodel Press of Wakefield, Rhode Island, which as far as we can tell was a one-person operation and has been out of business for some time. We are in no way affiliated with them, nor were we aware of their existence when we began publishing. We have been unable to get in contact with anyone who knows anything about them.

We occasionally get inquiries from individuals trying to locate their out-of-print titles, and unfortunately we have no information about them. These are some of the out-of-print titles from Asphodel Press of Wakefield, Rhode Island. We do not publish these books. We cannot find you copies, grant reprint rights, forward correspondence to the authors, or anything else.

  • Harbors & Spirits, by Jeffrey Renard Allen.
  • In Natural Light, by Michael Anania.
  • In the Garden of the Three Islands: Poems, by Maria Luisa B. Aguilar Caridno.
  • The Cleveland Manifesto of Poetry, by Russell Atkins et al.
  • Autumn Sonata: Selected Poems of Georg Trakl. Tr. Daniel Simko.
  • Dancers and choreographers, a selected bibliography.

If you have any information about how to contact anyone affiliated with Asphodel Press of Wakefield, Rhode Island, please let us know and we will pass along any inquires to them. Currently, one person sent us a possible mailing address for them: Asphodel Press, 249 Woodruff Ave. Wakefield RI 02879-7401. We are not sure if this is address is good, and if anyone can confirm or deny, we would appreciate it.